
Boo and I had this conversation earlier:
“You know there’s a really easy way to tell if a bear is a boy or a girl.”
“I don’t think I want to get that close. How do you tell?”
“The boys are more aggressive, unless you poop a girl off.”
“Wait. What? I’ve never heard that before. Poop a girl off?”
“You know, the P word.” At this point he’s looking at me as if I’m stupid.
“Yes! I didn’t want to cuss!”

I’m growing up!

“Show your dad your facial hair,” I said.

Boo shows him the peach fuzz.

“Do you have any chest hair? Come here and let me inspect,” I said.

Boo turns to walk toward me then says, “Wait! Let me go get my magnifying glass!”

Boo – age 8

Peach fuzz

This morning Boo asked me if I’d rather know how I’m going to die or when I’m going to die. I told him I’d probably rather not know. He proceeded to tell me he thinks he’d like to know when so he could accomplish his life goals.

He’s 8, y’all.

Later he ran out of the bathroom to show me he’s growing facial hair.

He looked constipated. 

We were watching Once Upon a Time when Boo said, “Captain Hook was not this handsome in the movie. No, really. He looked constipated!”


“Yeah! His hat did not go with his coat and his boots didn’t go with his hat. And the feathers were the wrong season! If he had peacock feathers, that would work.”

“Son, that’s not constipated.”